LVDS pinout

Started by kelamahim, October 10, 2014, 10:01:14 AM

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I found out the LCD_CON on OLinuxino-micro A20 could output LVDS instead of TTL which is default if I get it right.

Now I checked the FEX guide

and this example

I dont see from here how to activate ports on A20 (for example PD00 - PD18) to represent the 19 pins required to drive the TFT-LCD.

My panel is QD15TL0206 and its pinout:

Interface Cable Pin Assignments

1        VSS        Ground
2        VDD        Power Supply, 3.3 V (typical)
3        VDD        Power Supply, 3.3 V (typical)
4        V EEDID    DDC 3.3V power
5        NC         Reserved for supplier test point
6        Clk EEDID  DDC Clock
7        DATA EEDID DDC Data
8        Rin0-      - LVDS differential data input (R0-R5, G0) (odd pixels)
9        Rin0+      + LVDS differential data input (R0-R5, G0) (odd pixels)
10       VSS        Ground
11       Rin1-      - LVDS differential data input (G1-G5, B0-B1) (odd pixels)
12       Rin1+      + LVDS differential data input (G1-G5, B0-B1) (odd pixels)
13       VSS        Ground
14       Rin2-      - LVDS differential data input (B2-B5, HS, VS, DE) (odd pixels)
15       Rin2+      + LVDS differential data input (B2-B5, HS, VS, DE) (odd pixels)
16       VSS        Ground
17       ClkIN-     - LVDS differential clock input (odd pixels)
18       ClkIN+     + LVDS differential clock input (odd pixels)
19       VSS        Ground

