A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 - Pulseaudio over network doesn't work

Started by libresurf, November 11, 2014, 07:02:20 PM

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I recently bought a A20-OlinuXino-LIME2 card.
It works well but I didn't manage to make pulseaudio work over the network.

Here is the context :
I removed slim for installing lightdm instead because lightdm can manage the XDMCP protocol.
On vt7, I keept the standart interface of the OlinuXino.
On vt8, I used OlinuXino as a thin client with a X Window instance connecting to my PC with the XDMCP protocol.

For having the sound with my thin client, I installed the pulseaudio server on the OlinuXino.
In the config file /etc/pulse/default.pa, I enabled the module module-native-protocol-tcp like this :
load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1 where is the IP address of my PC.
I reboot the OlinuXino. (With debian, installing pulseaudio make it becomes the default sound server)

On my PC, I had this to the profile file of my user (~.profile) :
PULSE_SERVER=$(echo $DISPLAY | awk -F: '{print$1}');export PULSE_SERVER

When I'm connecting for my PC from the OlinuXino (in VT8 with XDMCP), I can verify :
and I can lauch pavucontrol and see the sunxi-sndhdmi Analog Stereo interface !
So it seems to work but when I play a sound file, there is no activity of the pulseaudio server on the OlinuXino !  :(

Have you managed to make work pulseaudio over the network ?

For information, I configured an other computer, a EeePC, with the same configuration as the OlinuXino and all works well !!! So, I don't understand why it's not working with the OlinuXino.

Another information, pulseaudio works well in local on the OlinuXino.  ;)


Upgrading from debian wheezy (pulseaudio version 2.0-6.1) to wheezy-Backports (pulseaudio version 4.0-6~bpo7+1) didn't solve the problem...  :-[


It works, but not on the good session.
The sound is playing on VT7 (the standart interface of the OlinuXino) and only when I select this console.
It isn't playing on VT8 as it should do.

So, pulseaudio works over the network but the flow is not properly managed !  ???