A20-OLinuXino-MICRO-4GB for learning embedded kernel development

Started by spbnick, October 01, 2013, 04:42:25 PM

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Hi everyone,

I'd like to improve my knowledge of kernel development and expand into embedded, ARM in particular. For that purpose I'm considering buying an ARM-based board along with a JTAG debugger which would work with gdb. I don't have many other requirements except USB device support (I'd like to try emulating some input devices) and maybe HDMI output.

I was considering a BeagleBone Black as it has a big community and a lot of learning material on the Web, however its JTAG compatibility with gdb is unclear (I asked a question about it on the JTAG board yesterday).

Then, A20 OLinuXino has piqued my interest. Compared to the BBB it has a dual-core CPU, which could help me learn SMP synchronization better. I'm also hoping that I would have better luck getting gdb to work with its JTAG, as Olimex seem to care about that. However, I couldn't find any information about how to connect it or if it's even possible (although I'm pretty sure it is). I also have no idea as to which JTAG debugger/emulator would work with it.

So, do you think the A20 would be suitable for my purposes?
Can you suggest which JTAG debugger I should use with A20 and how I should connect it?

Thank you :)!


I had the same reflexion as you, and at the end I think OlinuXino is the best choice.
Compared to all his competitor, it is more powerful and it is well supported on embedded choice (debian).
You also do not need a jtag, a serial cable is enough to start investigation
You can find also a lot of EXT modules, have a look here https://www.olimex.com/Products/Modules/
Best regards,


Hi Frederic!

Thanks for your tips! I ended up getting a BeagleBone Black and managed to
learn a lot on it. Though not kernel development (although that's perfectly
possible), but rather just embedded hardware. Here is some of my code:


I'll consider buying an OlinuXino to expand my knowledge and try something
