Wifi on a20 micro Debian

Started by legendlc, January 01, 2016, 04:59:55 AM

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I received a a20 micro recently and had a wireless keyboard that would not work. I updated the image to newest supported of Jessie on the website and now I cannot get the olimex Wi-Fi to work. I have tried a few things found online but nothing seems to work. I have looked through the forum and wiki but nothing seems to work. I appreciate any help. Also if anything works I also wonder if there is a more user friendly desktop environment. I know a little about linux but nothing about Olimex so I'm stuck.


You're basically asking about software, software and software whereas Olimex basically make hardware.

You can run any software environment you choose.  Go for it :)

Similarly, configure the software for whatever WiFi/etc you like.  If you choose Debian then that's as good a place as any for how to change their Linux.  Also try linux-sunxi

google may get you some other choices.
