Secondary partition table overlaps the last partition by some blocks?

Started by mandar.khire, March 21, 2016, 04:41:33 PM

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I take complete blank SD card even not
I follow
SD card's Debian OS work fine in Olimex A20 Micro board.
But when I attached SD card to computer via Card reader & run few commands to cross verify SD card, then I found that
'Warning! Secondary partition table overlaps the last partition by
33 blocks!'

When I run command:- gdisk -l /dev/sdX

Same type of question I posted in another forum 2014.

Might people think that another forum (for another board) post is not related to this one.
this is observed when I format complete blank SD card by Mobile phone (Motorola E2, Samsung S3, Blackberry Leap).
Means every body using same formula to make partitions by commands or scripts.

But there should be solution as we can use any size SD card, & make it as boot-able or format it, it should not give any kind of warning.

Need guidance related to this!