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strange problem with Olimex ODS

Started by grf63, March 06, 2017, 03:43:48 PM

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Hi, I'm new of this forum and perhaps this is not the right section but I can't find a better one for the following problem.

I'm using windows 10 home, I've installed olimex-ODS 9.0 rev.K following the instructions; loading the examples the program start and compile BUT I can't clean the build because of the following error:

make clean
rm -f obj/*.o ./*.out ./*.bin ./*.dmp ./*.map
make: [clean] Error -1073741502 (ignored)

and an popup windows say: it is not possible to launch the application (0xc0000142)

the same command from a dos shell work fine; I've tried to change the compatibility mode, to launch as administrator and other trick but noone works!

Any ideas?



I've previously used OlimexODS with Windows 10 x64 successfully.

1. Download OlimexODS environment (Eclipse; OpenOCD; Zylin) from here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7WHuNCASY8cLXBKNWdBRlpPRGs

2. Install OlimexODS to a location that does not contain empty spaces (for example, install it to C:\ODS or D:\ODS)

3. Plug you Olimex OpenOCD JTAG debugger.

4. Install the drivers for your Olimex OpenOCD JTAG debugger - these can be found in the OlimexODS install folder (point the installer to the folder)

5. Start the program and select your board and your debugger.

6. Click the button debug.

I believe that you need to open one of the source files and place the mouse pointer (blinking vertical line) somewhere in the code! Else there is no document in focus in Eclipse and the compiler doesn't know what to compile.

There are few other things that should be noted on installation: there should NOT be a "space" character in the installation path of the OlimexODS – GNU compilers will not work. For example, "Program Files (x86)" contains two "space" characters – this is not a valid location to install OlimeODS.

Make sure the JAVA version you have on your computer is the proper one.

Important when using Windows 8 or Windows 10:

  1)Install Java JRE or JDK 32-bit (works with Oracle Java 8)
  2)Install latest Cygwin for 32-bit (Cygwin DLL version info: DLL version: 1.7.32)
  3)Replace c:\OlimexODS\yagarto\sh.exe with c:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe.
  4)Add to environment path: c:\OlimexODS\yagarto\bin\ and c:\cygwin\bin\.

Note that OlimexODS is not actively supported and many of the modules used are very outdated. Back when we started OlimexODS there wasn't a lot of alternatives and it already served its purpose - nowadays there are a lot of tools that can be used for OpenOCD development. A lot of information guides on how to setup Eclipse. I would highly recommend you to configure Eclispe and OpenOCD from scratch using one of the most recent guides.

Also consider these QEMO extensions for Eclipse: http://gnuarmeclipse.github.io/qemu/ - there is even support for some out-of-the-box and the information is well structured for a beginner. Alternatively, consider these Eclipse extensions (which are frequently updated): http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuarmeclipse/reviews

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi Lubolimex, first of all thanks for your replay. Yes I've win10 home x64 and I carefully followed (I do believe) the instruction to install app&driver as specify on website and your suggestions. I did it on 2 different PC with the same behaviours. Please note that I can compile but I can't clean, I know is strange.....of course I may clean every time from a dos shell but it not so pratical and if I can't understand why happen this I'm afraid I can have others issue on others functions.