September 27, 2024, 06:05:40 PM

Olimex dev board and pcb fab

Started by Markl, July 23, 2017, 01:49:41 PM

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I have a custom board I need to add wifi capabilities.
I want this board because it is FCC and CE certified (avoid the huge cost of certification on my own).

My problem currently is that this board has no solder ready pins.

So no automated fab possible. No way I manually solder 2k-5k devices. UEXT adds to much space for this project (huge connectors, + cables + ...)

Do Olimex provide an easier package for fab?



There is no need to use the UEXT. Each of the signals that is available at the UEXT, is also available at a drill at the two sides of the board (the two rows of pin drills).

For example, RXD is GPIO3 and TXD is GPIO1.

QuoteI want this board because it is FCC and CE certified (avoid the huge cost of certification on my own).

Our boards are not FCC nor CE certified. The WIFI chip is certified but the whole board has never been submitted for testing.

If you still need modifications made to the design, either use our open hardware design or contact us at with requirements.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex