July 20, 2024, 02:18:33 AM

UEXT and Olimexino328

Started by MrMr, February 18, 2013, 09:45:27 AM

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Is there any example codes for olimexino328 and some of the uext modules? I am hoping to get MOD-GSM, MOD-IO and maybe MOD-RS485 to work with the 328 board. But really cant find a way to get going.

Regards Mark


Hello Mark,

There are examples available for Olimexino328 and UEXT modules. The modules with example so far is:

  • Ethernet module MOD-ENC28J60
  • MOD-RFID1356-BOX
  • MOD-IO2
  • MOD-TC
  • MOD-MP3-X
  • MOD-RS485-ISO
  • Bluetooth MOD-BT
  • Accelerometer MOD-SMB380

You may find the above examples in the SOFTWARE section of 328s web-page: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/AVR/OLIMEXINO-328/

A MOD-GSM example would not be very profitable since there is only one UART on that AVR micrcontroller - it will be hard to debug and communicate at the same time.There is such example with PIC32-PINGUINO boards.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you for your quick answer. I will have a look on those things. Dont know how i missed them from the olimexino328 page.