EMC lab

Started by diogenes, June 08, 2024, 01:38:04 PM

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Hello! I would like to sell A20 Lime2, metal case, and power adapter as a consumer product and had some questions about EC marking and EMC testing.

I understand that I would need to pass EMC, Low-Voltage Directive, and RoHS tests for the Lime2 in metal case. So far, no lab has replied to me about how to get this test or how much it will cost. Is this an unusual request, or is everyone on summer vacation? Can anyone recommend a lab that I can contact?

My second question is about various components that I do not need such as ethernet. Is there a chance that it will cause the test to fail just by being physically present? Or, does it have to be enabled and in-use. Is manually removing the ethernet component from the board an option?

Many thanks and sorry for the naive questions.


my suggestion is to work with local lab, which speaks your language and you can visit
they will consult you about everything you have to do to get certified.


It might be possible to disable the Ethernet with software means, this might require rebuilding the Linux image to disable the clock, but we haven't tested it. For the Ethernet make sure to check this blog post:

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you for replying. After a month of no replies a single lab in Europe quoted me €6,000 to run the tests for the board enclosed in the metal case. However, the single lab in China which I contacted, replied immediately and quoted me $300. Is 20x price difference normal? The lab in China is waiting for me to send them the sample. Any advice?