Problem with ICE40HX1K-EVB and OLIMEXINO-32U4

Started by Tomacles, September 22, 2024, 02:21:44 AM

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Hi !
I have a problem with my FPGA board, having the following:

ICE40HX1K-EVB. (I have soldered the pads 3.3V_E1)
OLIMEXINO-32U4. (I have bridged the 3.3V option)

Then I have done carefully the procedure detailed in:

I have generated the file top_bitmap.bin with the icecube2 IDE.

After all, testing my setup from a windows command, the result was:

>winiceprogduino.exe -ICOM4 -t

Test mode
Serial: COM4: No error
Manufacturer ID: 0x0B / Device ID: 0x2688

Ok, then I have give the command:

>winiceprogduino.exe -ICOM4 .\top_bitmap.bin
Serial: COM4: No error

bulk erased.
Manufacturer ID: 0x0B / Device ID: 0x2688

prog 0x000000 +0x100...^C

For every dot "." it takes about 2 minutes... That is the reason why I have interrupted it, after a couple of hours.... (I was gone to brunch)

Then, I have done all the procedure again, but in a Linux PC, obviously with the proper proecedure for Linux. The result is exactly the same, only that every dot take about 3 seconds, so now it fill the whole window... but never finish.

I have done many others tests but actually at this point, I don't have new ideas. Could anyone tell me some idea?

Thanks !


If you decide to stick with winiceprogduino maybe check more recent experience:

If it doesn't work maybe use the instructions at the WIKI, they had been more recently tested:

Try the method via Arduino IDE.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi Lub,
Thanks for your answer. I have tried again with your info, but still the same problem.

Where can I find some explanation about the BUT (HWB) button ? I can not find anything about. Only that I can understand reading the scketch.
By the way, I have seen TWO serial ports: Serial and Serial1. Why ?
What must be its speed ? (57600, 115200 or so)
thanks again.