New Board: A13-LCD43TS

Started by olimex, November 21, 2012, 11:00:21 AM

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Any news on this topic?

we got already a your 7" LCD with touch screen however we need a smaller one
in case could you provide the same LCD interface to be used for a different size LCD panel.



Sorry, just seen now in the A13 section


I'm triying to plug a A13-LCD43TS on a cubieboard I followed the schematics file of the screen module to make the conections but it didn't work as expected. Can anyone give me some feedback or information on that?



It would certainly help if you described in more detail what it is that does not work as expected...


Yes for sure, what I did is connect the lcd to the cubieboard folowing this document: and that one assuming that lcdd0 to lcdd23 on cubieboard connects with RGB pins on olimex. It didn't work as expected because it don't shows anything on the screen and the lcd driver is activated. I used the same flat wire shipped with the lcd to make the connections and I didn't use any external source for the lcd.

   cubie                               a13-lcd4.3

(1)d0  gnd                               5v  gnd
   d2  d1                              3.3v  gnd
   d4  d3                                r0  r1
   d6  d5                                r2  r3
  gnd  d7                                r4  r5
   d9  d8                                r6  r7
  d11  d10                               g0  g1
  d13  d12                               g2  g3
  d15  d14                               g4  g5
  d16  gnd                               g6  g7
  d18  d17                               b0  b1
  d20  d19                               b2  b3
  d22  d21                               b4  b5
vsyn  d23                               b6  b7
  clk  hsyn                             ---  ---
pwmbl  de                               clk  de
tpy1  tpx1                             ---  ---
tpy2  tpx2                            pwre  bkl
  bkl  gnd                             tpx2  tpx1
  sda  sck                             tpy1  tpy2
spdif  gnd
   5v  3.3v
  ---  ---
  ---  ---