I should know that Chinese staff will make troubles.

Started by SlyCom, April 12, 2013, 05:36:34 PM

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I've recently bought A13 Olimex WiFi boardwith touch screen panel. It looks like good platform but I should know that most Chinese staff will make troubles, additional there is very few information how to resolve problems but Olimex selling the boards should aware buyers that for example crappy tool like LiveSuit will work only with Linux 64 bits or it doesn't works with Win 7 64-bits. Olimex should clearly write in the manual about such problems. I had previously similar situation with board Chinese 2440. It took me days to resolve problems with the image because of the documentation.


I would say it is pretty obvious that the Olinuxino boards are enthusiast development boards. As for support I must say that these forums are great as it's possible to get support both from the community and the manufacturer in one single place where everyone can benefit from the information given.

BTW, LiveSuit works well with 64-bit Windows 7, I'm using it that combination myself.



Yes, I know that you give great support for Olimex products. It seems that only I have problem with the board (?) :(

I just run LiveSuit version 1.09 from web site provided in the manual. After installation, the driver appears but with yellow triangle and it obviously not working. Are there any other drivers available? I found a post on this forum that someone says that LiveSuit not working with Win 7 64bits also I found other forums with the same problem. Anyway, how I can resolve the problem with drivers under Win 7 64 bit???

Best regards


Hi SlyCom

Sorry to ask but have you tried running LiveSuit as Administrator in win7?
Sometimes that`s what causes problems.



I tried run LiveSuit as an administrator. The LiveSuit is working, I think that the problem is with drivers as there is still yellow rectangle in my device manager.


I had problems similar to yours. In my case, found out that I had to turn off VMware and everything worked as it should.