September 27, 2024, 12:12:20 PM

MPIDE added support for PIC32-PINGUINO

Started by olimex, May 22, 2013, 10:55:01 AM

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I assume the MX220 can run MPIDE. However, my question is:Are the pinouts on each side of the module the same as those of the chipKIT32?


Hi, I just bought a PINGUINO, installed the drivers, Windows detected it but I can not program it in MPLABIDE since the serial port is greyed out. I tried in linux as well and the same problem, I see the device but the IDE dont allow me to select the serial port, I tried even installing Microchip drivers and still not working. Could you help me with this issue?


It's not programmed as a serial port.



You can use UECIDE ...Matt just bringed the proper alghorithm for those boards , tested and works fine...