SPI: more chip selects or bitbanging

Started by jeroends, May 25, 2013, 10:28:51 AM

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does anybody has a clue how to add more chip selects to the spi interface or how to enable a bitbang spi interface (to a spidev).
The reason that I need this is for an application called opendmx (more a platform). This allows you to control leds (with for ex a ws2801 controller) through artnet and several other lighting interfaces.
The need for more chip selects or more spi ports is simply because a dmx port has only 512 channels, so the max number of leds to control on one spi port is limited to 170 leds. With more chip selects (or more spi ports) it will be able to control more strings and it would then be easy to create a led matrix.

link: http://www.opendmx.net


drivers-sunxi\spi_bus has the code to the spi.
you will have to change the code then
change the gpio in Fex
see http://olimex.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/a13-olinuxino-playing-with-gpios/
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