A13 or A10 ?

Started by hammerli22, May 30, 2013, 11:43:40 PM

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I new to the olimex SOC boards, If you have a choice between the A13 wifi board and the A10 4GB board which
board would you take ?  This is for tinkering around with linux or Android. I looking for something I can
play bit bang without have to buy a lot of other support pieces.



both are identical
A13 will work at wider temperature range as BGA parts like A10/A10s/A20 overheat during work


A13 doesn't have HDMI. And VGA resolution is limited to 800x600. A10 does not have these limitations. However A13 is not bga. It works relatively cold. And last but not least A10 family (A20) should work faster.


your info is obsolete VGA is not limited to 800x400 but can work in SVGA 1024x768


Hi, Where can I get the fex files to set A13 Micro to 1024x768?