Calibrating the Touchscreen on Android A13 without NAND

Started by Lasse, August 30, 2013, 07:32:44 PM

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Hello Guys,
i have now a nearly successfully working A13 (no NAND and WiFi) with Android (this Image:

Now I faced problems with the touchscreen. It is working somehow (I mounted it the same way: the metal side is visible and there is no twist in the cable) but not really like it should. I can swap the different Home Screens but thats all. I could not touch any items. What should I do to get a working Touchscreen?

best regards


Well, I could solve the problem after hard trying myself.

The solution is very easy, if you know what you should do.

You just connect your A13 through the serial interface and start the Calibration App through it. The command is the following: am start -n org.zeroxlab.util.tscal/.TSCalibration

Have fun with your A13 and Android.

best regards


Thank you for your image, it's great but i have a problem, no audio function, whit olinuxino a13 rev c without wifi and nand



Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi, i have two sd card, the first with debian the second whit android. Whit debian no problem whit android i have no audio function


Quote from: Lasse on September 01, 2013, 01:50:08 AM
You just connect your A13 through the serial interface and start the Calibration App through it. The command is the following: am start -n org.zeroxlab.util.tscal/.TSCalibration

Hi lasse, tanks for the awesome image.
I have two question for u:
1) Have u tried to connect trought USB and adb to the device?
2) Can u give me some tips of how did you build the kernel?
Best regards,


Hey guys,
sorry for answering so late to this topic, but i did not receive the email notifications.

Quote from: fabrizioc on November 13, 2013, 08:52:30 PM
Hi lasse, tanks for the awesome image.
I have two question for u:
1) Have u tried to connect trought USB and adb to the device?
2) Can u give me some tips of how did you build the kernel?
Best regards,

I did not build this image myself. It is the image i found in the wiki of the olimex guys.

ADB is working like a charm. I did not face any problems with it.

Of course I am also interested in how to build this kernel, because I like to switch to a cyanogenmod, Omni Rom, AOKP or Paranoid Android based rom. I also need support for extra hardware, so it would be usefull if there would be a wiki page with the compiling process step by step. (Of course resulting in a working kernel)

I did not recognize the audio problem, but i have not tested it at all.

There should be a topic somewhere around here where andreas described how he managed to get a working rom. But his how-to did not worked for me. Maybe if i find some time i will play a little bit around with the compiling thing again.

best regards