Help to newbie, please

Started by Aynur Ishbuldin, September 10, 2013, 09:27:42 AM

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Aynur Ishbuldin

Hello all.

I have OLinuXino A20-Micro, but I'm new to working with single-board computers and linux.
I also have a MOD-RS232, MOD-RS485-ISO and MOD-RTC.
There is a Debian distribution on the microSD-card.
I tried to change the settings (specifically uart_para *) through script.fex to make ports (/dev/ttyS*) work, but I did not.
I did not find detailed information about configuring COM-ports on that computer.
Please tell me what needs to be done to turn these MODs.

Thank you.


on Github there are demo examples
MOD-RS232 is simple TTL to RS232 converter all you have to do is to plug it to UEXT and work

Aynur Ishbuldin

Quote from: olimex on September 10, 2013, 11:23:35 AM
on Github there are demo examples
MOD-RS232 is simple TTL to RS232 converter all you have to do is to plug it to UEXT and work

Thank you very much!

MOD-RTC: works well.
MOD-RS485-ISO: I get "Failed reading from the I2C-bus: Communication error on send" message when I try to read/write via i2c-tool.
i2cdetect can't find address 0x48 in /dev/i2c-{0,1,2}
May be firmware doesn't exist in the MOD? How can I get it worked?



Quote from: Aynur Ishbuldin on September 11, 2013, 03:04:56 PM

MOD-RS485-ISO: I get "Failed reading from the I2C-bus: Communication error on send" message when I try to read/write via i2c-tool.
i2cdetect can't find address 0x48 in /dev/i2c-{0,1,2}
May be firmware doesn't exist in the MOD? How can I get it worked?


Hello! I have the same problem with a Olinuxino A20 rev.C and a MOD-RS485-ISO rev.A. Did you solve the problem?



Hi Leonardo,

See my comments in this thread about the MOD-RS485-ISOL.

You might find it quite a bit of work to get it working.