Share project

Started by morind79, October 15, 2013, 10:02:31 AM

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Hi All,

I would like to have some home automation with this A20 board.
For this I will create a board to plug on the extension slot, this will add :

I2C (5V)
SPI (5V)
Maybe more

I will manage to create this board, but I will need help on programing.
I started to create a library in C, but it is far than complete.
My idea is to do something similar to wiringPi + Pi4j this way everything will be in Java.

What do you think ?

Best regards,


why 5V GPIO etc when A20 and most electronics is 3V?

SIM900 is expensive and slow, we will have 3G HDSPA wireless modems 7.2Mbit by the end of the month compatible with A20 - plug to USB and you got 3G connectivity


Well I already have some board working at 5V.
Also concerning SIM900, I already have this module (Small Breakout for SIM900 GSM Module)
I have it working on a Rpi, but want to move everything on Olinuxino A20.