July 31, 2024, 05:52:40 PM

different MOD-MP3 modules

Started by marcpaul, November 29, 2013, 11:09:38 PM

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what's the deal with the different MP3 modules? the lite version has no stm32 that means i can't control it via UEXT right?

can i record stuff with the lite version?

seems like for a few bucks more you get the real deal :)
or did i read the descriptions to sloppy?? :D


Hello marcpaul,

There are three version of MOD-MP3 that Olimex currently produces:

1) MOD-MP3-X-BAT - the full version has both STM32 microcontroller (loaded with Olimex demo software) and a rechargeable 1200mAh battery
2) MOD-MP3-X - lacks battery for stand-alone powering
3) MOD-MP3-X-LITE - lacks both battery and STM32 microcontroller, thus requires to write own software interfacing the MP3 module

Basically, you can control the MP3 part of the board with a great number of microcontrollers, and if you are used to other family of microcontrollers you don't need the STM32 one.

The STM32 board version is good when you aim at basic functions which are implemented in the demo firmware written by Olimex. It is a good idea to take a look at the code and the demo before deciding which board to purchase: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Modules/MP3/_resources/MOD-MP3-X_demo.zip

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex