July 30, 2024, 02:20:55 PM

Calibration of the EMG shield

Started by nescivi, February 07, 2014, 07:07:44 PM

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I was wondering if there are some details on how to do the calibration of the EMG shield.
I assume the aim is to get a maximum response out of the amplification?

Marije Baalman



You can use the trimmer for calibration. Generally, the idea is to try to keep the signal curve as big as possible without any "cuts" of the curve occur. A "cut" is when the peak or the low point of a measured signal gets abruptly flat.

The fine calibration is performed if you feed the square calibration signal CAL (V_CAL; V_GND) to the phone jack. This signal was used while calibrating the device here in the factory before shipping.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex