Need help about Wifi solution

Started by devindebordeaux, March 11, 2014, 01:54:38 PM

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Hi everybody,
I a french beekeeper and i m looking for a way to protect my beehives.
My beehives are placed just front of my home and on within my wifi coverage.

I m looking for some devices (sensors, boxes...) to put on (or everywhere) in each beehives.
If a beehive is moved or opened (by night), I would like receive some data through Wifi.

I have some capabilities to develop software to manage alerts. (I know Python)

Can you help me in choice of products ?

Each product should not be expensive.

Thank you very much for your help.

best regards


Hi there,

How about this idea?

They are battery powered and wireless using Zigbee or WiFiBee. You could setup a receiver to listen for data and output this to an A13 which would then act on the alarm.

If you use Zigbee modules they can be configured to detect a digital input change, eg a tilt switch and then wake up and send the data to the receiver. It's all battery and solar powered and as there would be no transmission unless you had an input change, it would not draw much power. The Zigbee module can also be setup to periodically wakeup after a preset time, send a status message to the receive and then go back to sleep. You could use this as a watchdog to know that a receiver is OK.

These would be way cheaper than putting an A13 on each hive plus the issue of power. :)


Dear David,
Great idea ! Very good idea. Thank you.
This mini device could be suitable for my need.
Use a tilt is too good proposition but I would prefer a movement sensor (2 ou 3d axes).
You seem to be an expert ;-).
Can you advice me a complete kit ((in addition to solar kit)) sensors,...) I can order to test your idea ?
Witch A13 can I choice please ?

Thank you a second time.



Ah, as you posted in the A13 forum I thought you already had one. :)

Your choice would be based on which OS you will run and which you are familiar with programming for.

Android is my choice and I have serial with Zigbee already working so that would be my way for this but it's probably a little overkill but it does have the advantage of being able to send you SMS messages etc.

Actually, the A13 is probably a little more than you need it you only want alarms. Maybe some of the lower end Olimex boards would be more suitable. Or even consider some NETMF based devices (GHI) which have a nice Zigbee module and there is free source code to drive it. I use these in combination with the A20 I based my design around. They act as data collectors to send to the A20 which then forwards the data to a SCADA system.

The choice is really down to what programming language you will use. I see you mentioned Python and that really leaves just Linux as the preferred option :)


Dear Dave,
Ok. Thank you one more time.
Yes, it's depend on OS but Android is too compliant with me ;-) (even i hate Java) and I m agree with you about capabilities of Android.
Maybe a basic raspberry with zigbee module could be suitable ?
(sorry if my idea is no good, I m newbie in this products).
I don't find a good movement sensor for complete "Wireless Sensor Node - Solar Kit".
