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Shield-EKG-EMG: Calibration

Started by pratul, May 22, 2014, 04:53:03 PM

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I am setting up Shield-EKG-EMG with arduino Uno R3 and not able to get good EKG signal. I then tried to see if I could test it with the calibration signal. I get a 10 hz signal but it is no where close to a square waveform. Is that normal?

BTW: How do I attach an image to the message?



Hey there,

I don't have an Arduino Uno R3 at my disposal, unfortunately, but I've seen people reporting good results with it. Please check the following videos:


Make sure the correct channel for data is used (e.g. the jumpers are set correctly) and the libraries used for the example work with Arduino Uno R3's microcontroller.

Also make sure to check on Stan12's post that is very informative (despite using different Arduino board): https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=572.0

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex