July 21, 2024, 04:35:38 PM

MOD-GSM-EDGE not listening

Started by franchan, July 06, 2014, 12:36:31 AM

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I see many people having trouble with this mod in the forum.

I get 1 (e.g. +CFUN: 1) or 2 messages out when powering on the module depending on a SIM being present or not.
That is at the baudrate 460800 (8N1)

But the device refuses to respond to any AT command that I send at whatever baudrate.

I have the mod connected with a voltage divider to bring down the TTL level within the SIM700D tollerance.
I only use the GND, TX and RX.
Should I do something with the other inputs?

Is there any suggestion on what I could try?


Hello franchan,

Olimex distributes MOD-GSM-EDGE configured to work at 115200 bps instead of the default 460800 bps stated in the datasheet of the SIM700D gsm module. The program code forcefully converts communication speed to 115200 if previously set to different.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex