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MOD-IO - Status of rellays

Started by jpacha, August 09, 2014, 07:58:42 PM

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Hi! Do you know if it is possible to get the actual status of the rellays in the MOD-IO2? (I use the i2c tools for managing this rellays, turning on/off, but for safety in my application I need to poll the status of this rellays)

Thanks in advance!


No. You would have to change the firmware code to add a call to track and get the actual state of the relays.
Olimex has the source code published, so you can change it and reprogram the AVR chip.
It would probably be easier to just have a variable in your program to keep track of whether you set a relay or not.


Thanks, this is what I was fearing... I think that I'll try to modify the firmware as you suggest.