Lipo connector

Started by jkgeyti, October 27, 2014, 06:27:20 PM

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What connector is the lipo connector? All I can find is that JST produces it.

Can someone specify which type of connector it is, so I can get one for my existing lipo cells?


try digikey part number 455-1704-ND


Awesome, thank you :- )

That would make it a JST PH 2 pin 2.0 mm

Also readily available on ebay.


Yeap, that's the one - while olimex uses the right angled LiPo battery sockets I prefer the ones with vertical pins. You may also try adafruit as they have the same but already soldered to a small pcb adapter board with 0.1" spaced pins that are easier to work with. or


Good stuff. Actually, you may be able to help me with another problem (sorry for changing topic). I've never worked with the 0.05" spaced pins found on the lime boards. Do you know how to connect them to 0.1" spaced hardware in general? The pins on the olimex board are significantly thinner, so I don't take it they fit in a regular breadboard?


You might need some kind of adapter similar to However, people did ask for 0.05 to 0.1 adapter elsewhere in this forum but afaik such contraption does not exist.


Wait, really? So how do people interface with 3rd party sensors? You can't all be soldering the GPIO pins on the Lime?


How about the connector(s) on the Olimex site?




Look under Products->Components->Connectors


Ahh, thanks!

However, I'm really surprised to hear there's solderless breadboarding is not possible with the Limes. Aren't they supposed to somewhat do the same thing as the raspberry pi (and banana pi, for that matter)?


There's also the one on the olinuxino product pages.



This one?

That looks a lot more like what I was looking for - but it mentions specifically being for LCD, and not being compatible with the Lime 2. I take it that's got something to do with the whole mirroring of pins confusion between the old and new revision of the board?

But that adapter (plus a cable), should be fine for GPIO, even on the Lime 2, shouldn't it?


I don't know about any mirroring.



" 4. GPIOs 0.05″ connectors now made right. When we designed LIME we first though to use female connectors instead of male, but when we finished the design we realized that this time we will break the order we made all "mother boards" to have male connectors (to may connect to ribbon cables) and the shields/modules/capes to have female connectors. In the last moment we decided to make LIME with male connectors and we had the dilemma – to go again to re-routing and prototyping or just to assembly the female connectors with male, we wanted to release LIME earlier so we went with the latter without realizing that this way when cable is attached the cable numbering will be mirrored! "

But at any rate, I can live with the numbering being wrong - I'll just deduce the pin layout myself. All I was looking for, was a solderless conversion from 0.05" to 0.1" pin layout.