Olinuxino-micro qt 5.3 inverted x-axis problem

Started by claudio, November 04, 2014, 09:20:22 PM

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Hi all,
I have an Olinuxino-Micro with the official Olimex Debian image (release 7). Mali libraries installed. I have cross compiled qt 5.3.2 on my host. I can build and deploy apps from my host with no problems and qt apps works well on my board. I'm using the 10' touchscreen by olimex.

I use eglfs platform (for fullscreen)
I run apps with " -plugin evdevtouch:/dev/input/event0" (without this parameter the touch doesn't work).
Tslib is installed and working (i can run ts_calibrate with no problems) (btw wt5.3 uses evdev by default).

Now the problem is that the x-axis is inverted, if the app has a button on the left i have to press on the right of the screen.
I googled this problem and i found it's an evdev problem but i can't figure out how to solve it.
I tried adding the option invertx but nothing changed.

Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance

PS. Sorry for my english  :)


Just a random thought, iirc the olimex screens use resistive touch, you could try inverting the two X wires perhaps. I had that issue wiring my own resistive touch panel...