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Programming Guide for OTG

Started by WallyH, November 05, 2014, 08:02:45 AM

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Is there a programming guide for the OTG? If so where?


What do you mean?  Too terse...



To clarify:
The OTG has some good features like connecting with a mouse or a keyboard. Also there are some things like software input PULLUP that can be used with Arduino that is not recognized by the Pinguino IDE. Some libraries work with Pinguino, some don't. The documentation I have seen so far is not even clear on which button to press when connecting the Pinguino- and from the queries I have seen that has frustrated many who migrate from Arduino to Pinguino. I would like to know if there is on-line documentation (maybe in Spanish or French, though I hope in English) that one can refer to when the IDE doesn't like what you have written or the hardware doesn't repond the way you expect if at all. 
I am not looking for a paper book, though I wold like to know if there is one.


The wiki has much, and there are quite a lot of examples, but Arduino is many years older so has more info.  If you can't cope with less then you should maybe stick with Arduino or else read the ultimate source of data: the Microchip data sheets & samples.

If I wanted to connect a mouse/keyboard I think I'd use a Linux-based board (A20, RPi, ...), though.
