A20, servo controller

Started by claudio, November 21, 2014, 04:22:50 PM

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Hi all,
in my project i need to control one or more servo motors. On the board there is only one PWM pin and i can't use it because it's under the lcd cable. What's the best way to control motors?
I've found this discussion: https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=2403.msg10506#msg10506
but i don't like that solution. What about an external driver/controller?

Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance, Claudio


You failed to say which board you have but 2 pins look to be PWM

If no good for you, then yes some external thing or change boards.



Ye sorry! i have an OLinuXino-MICRO-4GB. Reading on the manual i can find only the PWM0 pin, but it's in the LCD_CON.
Thanks for your answer.


Look either at the A20 datasheet or on sites such as linux-sunxi or indeed on AW own site and there are 2 PWM: PWM0 and PWM1.

You can even google things like
A20 "PWM1"
just hoping it exists.

They don't have to be used for LCD (though often at least PWM0 is), depending on the hardware (not everyone even has an LCD).



Ye, just found PWM1, but the problem is i need 2 or 3 PWM signals and my PWM0 is not available. I think i'll go for an external controller.

Thanks for your kindness.