A20 Lime2 board gerber data required

Started by mdotali, November 26, 2014, 08:25:52 AM

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Can someone provide gerber data for A20 Lime2 board ?

Also, the material information for fabrication
Oz of copper to use ?
Thickness of material ?

Anything in particular to mention to the fab factory ?


all information is in the CAD files, if you can't figure out what to do with the CAD files you just try to do something behind your capacity.

layer stackup, copper info, gerber info everything is inside the CAD files


Well, I am an Orcad user so I asked if anyone can help.
The trouble you took to reply with a *bad-ass* answer as above was a bit more than just helping me out.

anyways... yes the information was in CAD files. Thanks for pointing that out.