A20 Lime2 python module pyA20Lime2.gpio

Started by Clic17, December 14, 2014, 12:44:04 AM

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I want to import the pyA20Lime2.gpio into my python script as described here:

from pyA20Lime2.gpio import gpio
from pyA20Lime2.gpio import port

When running the script, I always get:

ImportError: No module named pyA20Lime2.gpio

I thought this module is included in the standard debian img file for the OLinuXino A20 Lime 2
see: https://www.olimex.com/wiki/A20-OLinuXino-LIME2#Python_library_for_GPIO.2C_I2C_and_SPI_control


You can get the list of installed Python modules:
$ pydoc modules