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Nano - Gsm

Started by oymyakon, January 22, 2015, 05:54:24 PM

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Is there an output from the board that provides the status ie turned on/off. As i was looking to automatically power it up.

Your help would be appreciated.



Looking at the schematic, the VEXT is not routed to an external connection so your only way to check if on or off is to try and send "AT" to it check if you get "OK" back.

As for auto on, I could not find anything on the PWR_KEY input if this could be connected to GND permanently. On the SIM5320E for instance, you can keep this grounded so that when DC power is applied, the modem powers up, which is the ideal way with USB being used.

You could try pulling the PWR on/off input to HIGH and apply power and see if the modem powers up. You would of course need to control the DC input for this to work as keeping it always connected means the modem is always ON.


sorry for the delay in coming back to you.

Thanks for the reply i have sorted the PWR_key and that works o.k. i will have to question it with AT like you say. I was hoping for a pin as it would be easier.
