Can't build mali binary driver with version 401

Started by white_gecko, January 25, 2015, 07:42:26 PM

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I'm trying to build the mali binary driver according to the instructions in the linux-sunxi wiki [1]. But as I reach the "Configure" step for the mali userspace driver [2] make config fails and can't detect my mali version: VERSION="UNKNOWN" (Detected)

I've modified the version.c file to see, which version it is actually detecting [3] and I get: Version is: 401
What does this version tell me and what is influencing the version number? It can't be a hardware version since this all is happening on Igor Pecovnik's image [4] while on the official olimex image [5] it returns version 14. Does it depend on the kernel version? They are 3.4.105-sunxi vs. 3.4.90+.
