September 27, 2024, 06:02:44 PM

Moving from WinXP 32-bit to Win7 64-bit

Started by mellis, March 11, 2015, 04:52:08 PM

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I have a project that has been developed under WinXP 32-bit up until this point and I am trying to migrate to Win7 64-bit.  I am using the ARM-USB-OCD debugger and have installed version 0.7.0 of OpenOCD.  I am able to connect to the cable and have been able to successfully download flash images to my target board.  However, I have not been able to successfully debug code on the Win7 machine and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot the problem that I'm seeing.

Our design uses the eCos O/S and the Eclipse environment for code development.  Our version of eCos is a bit dated (2.0.98) as is the version of Eclipse that we use (Europa 3.3.0).  These tools were acquired through eCosCentric and we are no longer under a support contract with them so upgrading to current tools is difficult.  This version of eCos uses arm-elf-gdb for debugging.

I have installed eCos, Cygwin, Eclipse, etc. on the Win7 machine and setup a project for my board.  I have modified my config files and have setup an External Tools profile to launch the correct version of OpenOCD.  When I attempt to launch a debug session I see the file being downloaded to my board and I see a breakpoint being set at my main function, but I never reach the breakpoint.

At this point I'm looking for information to help troubleshoot this problem.  I don't know if I have missed something in the config file or if there is a compatibility issue between the version of arm-elf-gdb and OpenOCD that I'm using, or some other problem.  Basic communications with the JTAG debugger seems to be working properly but the debug sessions seems to go awry.  Unfortunately, I'm not intimately familiar with Eclipse, with GDB, with OpenOCD and with the entire tool chain used on this project.  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
