July 21, 2024, 12:14:22 AM

mod gps not working

Started by Pravin Lanjile, April 21, 2015, 07:36:08 AM

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Pravin Lanjile

I have mod-gps module and raspbery pi with debian. I am using GPSD utility in linux.when I connect mod-gps with raspberry pi using USB to TTL serial cable it will not detect the MOD-GPS. I tried it with windows hyper terminal but couldn't get the output.
how can I check whether my MOD-GPS is working or not.I made a connection as
1(vcc)- vcc(5v)
3(RX) - TX
4(TX) - RX


The GPS module cannot be detected "as GPS", because there is no special "GPS device class", most modules behave as serial ports or USB-to-serial converters (the gpsd does a great job, but it cannot do miracles). The only way to see if the module worsk is to open the device via some kind of terminal (Hyperterminal or Putty in Windows, Minicom or plain cat in Linux) and look if the device is emiting NMEA sequences.

PS: Some modules need at least valid internal clock to start emittining, so try them outdoor for better reception.