Won't start at Power on

Started by davebush, May 06, 2015, 05:07:31 PM

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We have 12 A13 boards, 10 labelled Rev G, one labelled Rev F and one labelled Rev E.

The one labelled Rev F will only start from a power on about 1 in 5 times, the others start up every time.

Is this a problem with this specific board, or is it a problem with all Rev F boards?



I haven't checked in for while.
I have several rev F, E and C boards. They all start fine. Do you have a battery connected ? Have you checked the power supply gives enough current ?

What I have is an annoying bug in which 2 out of 5 times the board does not restart when I command a reboot from the operating system. I don't know if its a sw bug or a combination or hw+sw, but its there ever since the first time I tried these boards.
