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ESP8266-DEV possibilities

Started by franciscopinho, July 09, 2015, 10:35:43 AM

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Dear Olimex Forum Users

I am a newbie that is planning to use the ESP8266-DEV on a project.

This Project will include some sensors and continuous data streaming.
My question is, is that possible to ESP8266-DEV continuous transmit 21 Bytes at each 1 ms?
I have read a lot in the ESP8266 forums, but I still have some doubts about the actual speed of this module.

Another question has to be about two things:
- By using the ESP8266 alone, is there any need to configure baudrate, or is this a parameter to be taken into account only when using a diferent microcontroler with ESP8266 connected to Serial port?

-I am planning to use TCP sockets to comunicate data. By using Arduino IDE to programe ESP8266,is there any Socket structure to be used?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards.