Lime2 dvr questions

Started by phill, February 19, 2016, 06:20:51 PM

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Hey guys,
I've just found the lime2 today by way of RPi - > BPi -> Lime2 and I have to say I'm very excited. This could be the computer I've been looking for, for a long time to build a network dvr! I have a RPi b and 2 RPi 2's one is set up with a dual tuner usb stick as an experiment, but really I want sata and gigabit networking.

Just a couple of questions. At the moment I'm planning two usb dual tuners and a SATA hdd with network connection.

The RPi has problems powering some USB devices, is this the case for the LIME2, or do I just need to give it a big enough powersupply?

Is there a limit on the capacity of the HDD? and power draw?

If a tuner stick is know to work with linux in general, will it definatly be compatable with the Lime2?

Any help will be greatfully recieved! (Not only that, but it will get my wife off my back as I canceled our contract with Virgin Media and lost the Tivo :-p)


All devices have power limits and you sound to be well beyond those of small boards.

You'll likely need to add external power for such power-hungry needs.



Quote from: JohnS on February 19, 2016, 07:08:02 PM
All devices have power limits and you sound to be well beyond those of small boards.

With respect, are there any published specifications? Since my earlier post i've found the schematics, and after a quick look, I think the +5v line should be good for up to 7A. I don't claim to be an expert, but I do have a HND in electrical/electronic engineering.

Got to love the open hardware!


I suppose you must trust to what you think is OK.  I expect datasheets etc are available.
