September 27, 2024, 06:57:06 AM

MOD-MP3-X-LITE 1053 problem

Started by BorisPoku, April 22, 2016, 09:29:18 PM

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I purchased MOD-MP3-X-LITE and trying to activate it with SPI via UEXT via msp430f5438 starter board (of Olimex as well). I changed pins connection according to your manual.
I succeed to activate it as stand alone.
I checked SPI with scope it works correct, but I cannot communicate with mp3 chip (when I'm trying to read registers I receive 0 always). When I'm trying to activate some test (sinus, for example) I also hear just white noise from the headphone.
Could you please help & check & send some example to use MOD-MP3-X-LITE (the is no example to use it).