Corrupted linux on sd card when cutting power

Started by clnrp, May 04, 2016, 04:54:49 PM

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I'm developing a project in which there may be sudden drop in power, and perform some tests Linux on sd card is always corrupting, is there any way to make the sd card card as read-only and load Linux to ram?


Of course, just look at the live-images of different linux-distributions like ubuntu. They come on a read-only CD-ROM and work perfectly fine. I read some tutorials in the past how to build one, that wasnt too hard. Just google it and you will find plenty of stuff.


Quote from: soenke on May 04, 2016, 05:38:31 PM
Of course, just look at the live-images of different linux-distributions like ubuntu. They come on a read-only CD-ROM and work perfectly fine. I read some tutorials in the past how to build one, that wasnt too hard. Just google it and you will find plenty of stuff.


can you explain a little more? or  what i can ask to google?
