Unable to flash NAND using Livesuite

Started by Zaxter, June 14, 2016, 05:02:46 PM

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I'm trying to flash my NAND using Olimex's Android image and sunxi-livesuite.
Looks like the device gets into FEL mode and the firmware upload starts. But just then it stops and times out.

I then tried to boot using a debian (3.4.105) image on SD card and find that `/dev/nand` still doesn't exist. I can confirm that the image was built with `CONFIG_SUNXI_NAND=y`.

What might be the problem here?
I've ran out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated.

Here are my logs (running Ubuntu 16.06):

asrolabe@asrolabe-VirtualBox:~/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite$ sudo ./LiveSuit.sh
Starting x86-64/LiveSuit.

library file path: /home/asrolabe/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite/x86-64/plgvector.dll
library file path: /home/asrolabe/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite/x86-64/LangPlg.dll
LoadFile 24
Open 274: Language file format is UTF-8
library file path: /home/asrolabe/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite/x86-64/LiveProc.Plg
library file path: /home/asrolabe/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite/x86-64/plgvector.dll
library file path: /home/asrolabe/Downloads/sunxi-livesuite/x86-64/luaeFex.dll
Register./luaBase.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luaeFex.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luadec.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
ItemTableSize = 1048576
Closing image now!

Clos image OK!

Register./luaBase.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luaeFex.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luadec.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
ItemTableSize = 1048576
Closing image now!

Clos image OK!

Register./luaBase.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luaeFex.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luadec.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
ItemTableSize = 1048576
Closing image now!

Clos image OK!

Dev Plugin The Device Path is: /dev/aw_efex0
Register./luaBase.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luaeFex.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luadec.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
ItemTableSize = 1048576
Closing image now!

Clos image OK!

Register./luaBase.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luaeFex.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
Register./luadec.dll l_RegAllFun Sucess!
ItemTableSize = 1048576
Closing image now!

Clos image OK!

[Tl_Msg]Init : imgFilePath=/home/asrolabe/Documents/ACD/A20_android_422_TS_USB_UART_I2C_WIFI_LAN_HDMI_LCD_1024x600_release_3.img, imgLen=[0, 532252672], workMode=8

ItemTableSize = 1048576
./buffer.cpp, pBuffer = 0x7f2f7020a9e4, nLen = 16380, crc32 = 4120441415[Tl_Msg]Down index[1] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=bootloader, pktSubType=BOOTLOADER_FEX00, verifyFile=VBOOTLOADER_FEX0

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x8000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x8000

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=true

[Tl_Msg]Down index[1] end

[Tl_Msg]Down index[2] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=env, pktSubType=ENV_FEX000000000, verifyFile=VENV_FEX00000000

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x10000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x8000

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=true

[Tl_Msg]Down index[2] end

[Tl_Msg]Down index[3] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=boot, pktSubType=BOOT_FEX00000000, verifyFile=VBOOT_FEX0000000

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x18000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x8000

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=true

[Tl_Msg]Down index[3] end

[Tl_Msg]Down index[4] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=system, pktSubType=SYSTEM_FEX000000, verifyFile=VSYSTEM_FEX00000

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x20000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x100000

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=true

[Tl_Msg]Down index[4] end

[Tl_Msg]Down index[5] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=recovery, pktSubType=RECOVERY_FEX0000, verifyFile=VRECOVERY_FEX000

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x228000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x10000

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=true

[Tl_Msg]Down index[5] end

[Tl_Msg]Down index[6] start

[Tl_Msg]partName=UDISK, pktSubType=DISKFS_FEX000000, verifyFile=

[Tl_Msg]partAddrHigInSec=0x0, partAddrLowInSec=0x3c0000, partSzHigInSec=0x0, partSzLowInSec=0x0

[Tl_Msg]isEncrypt=false, toVerify=false

[Tl_Msg]Down index[6] end

[Tl_Msg]Down number is 6



0x7f2f7020a9e0, 541, 4, =40x7f2f7020a9e0, 540, 2, =2[Tl_Msg]sec[card_boot]






[Tl_Msg]eraseflag           = 0x0



[Tl_Msg]sdc_clk             = port:PC7<3><1>

[Tl_Msg]card_line           = 0x4

[Tl_Msg]sdc_d0              = port:PC8<3><1>

[Tl_Msg]card_ctrl           = 0x2

[Tl_Msg]sdc_cmd             = port:PC6<3><1>

[Tl_Msg]sdc_d2              = port:PC10<3><1>

[Tl_Msg]sdc_d3              = port:PC11<3><1>

[Tl_Msg]card_high_speed     = 0x1

[Tl_Msg]sdc_d1              = port:PC9<3><1>



[Tl_Msg]logical_start       = 0xa000



[Tl_Msg]storage_type        = 0xffffffffffffffff



[Tl_Msg]dram_baseaddr       = 0x40000000

[Tl_Msg]dram_chip_density   = 0x1000

[Tl_Msg]dram_size           = 0x400

[Tl_Msg]dram_rank_num       = 0x1

[Tl_Msg]dram_io_width       = 0x10

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr0           = 0x42d899b7

[Tl_Msg]dram_cas            = 0x9

[Tl_Msg]dram_odt_en         = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr1           = 0xa090

[Tl_Msg]dram_zq             = 0x7f

[Tl_Msg]dram_bus_width      = 0x20

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr4           = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]dram_emr3           = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]dram_clk            = 0x180

[Tl_Msg]dram_emr2           = 0x10

[Tl_Msg]dram_emr1           = 0x4

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr5           = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr3           = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]dram_type           = 0x3

[Tl_Msg]dram_tpr2           = 0x22a00





[Tl_Msg]uart_debug_rx       = port:PB23<2><1><default><default>

[Tl_Msg]uart_debug_port     = 0x0

[Tl_Msg]uart_debug_tx       = port:PB22<2><1><default><default>


[Tl_Msg]Init end

[Tl_Msg]fel in: dev[/dev/aw_efex0]

[Tl_Msg]platform id checked OK

[Tl_Msg]To down sys para

[Tl_Msg]To down and Run fes1-1

[Tl_Msg]To clear fes aide log

[Tl_Msg]To down and Run fes1-2

[Tl_Msg]To clear fes aide log

[Tl_Msg]OK test fel Down and Up in len=8192

[Tl_Msg]OK to test dram

[Tl_Msg]Update dram size to 1024MBytes


[Tl_Msg]To down fes2_1

[Tl_Msg]To down fes2_2

[Tl_Msg]To clear fes aide log

[Tl_Msg]not hasRetLog

[Tl_Msg]Fel end

Fel Thread Finished!
Dev Plugout The Device Path is: /dev/aw_efex0
Dev Plugout The Device Path is: /dev/aw_efex0
Dev Plugout The Device Path is: /dev/aw_efex0