July 10, 2024, 01:30:08 AM

olimex xds100v3

Started by Akhil Francis, August 31, 2016, 03:56:46 PM

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Akhil Francis

Hello experts,

I am using custom board with f28335 and olimex xds 100v3.  In target configuration settings, the converter usage is  'Its bypassed,use 1149.1,mimic xds100v2' but now i getting another error, is

The value is '-501' (0xfffffe0b).
The title is 'SC_ERR_TEST_MEASURE'.

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -501 @ 0x0)
The built-in scan-path length measurement failed.
The built-in scan-path reliability tests cannot be
performed without knowledge of the scan-path length.
Try specifying the scan-path lengths in the command-line
options or board configuration file of this utility or debugger.
(Emulation package

And i checked with all other various frequencies with in given range

And i checked XCLKOUT ,
XRSn both are working properly


Thanks in Advance
Akhil Francis


There is a good chance that your hardware connections are not correct. Probably even using the wrong connector. Or the wrong reset (people keep using TRST instead of SRST).

Check this archive with instructions on how to blink the LED of our board TMS320-P28016 with XDS100v3 and CCS6:


Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex