kernel messages to LCD screen

Started by ajith, January 02, 2013, 02:07:37 PM

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While booting Linux from SD card the messages are going to the uart. Is there any way to get the messages during boot time to the LCD interface ?


I am also interesting in knowing the answer to this question. Is there a way to run a script early enough to show the progress on the LCD screen?


LCD support is at a kernel level, so if you can't load the kernel, I suspect you'll have problems getting the output to go to an LCD.

Someone else could certainly have a way to do it, but I don't know that it's going to be straightforward - it will probably require some sort of custom u-boot solution, if it can be done at all.


Hallo, this is my first post Here.
Last week I began to play on this board, and I'm still at first step, by the way.
The solution to this post is to create on the vfat partition a file called uEnv.txt
and inside it write:


If you want to mantain console on serial to, though, multiple console= options are listed,

console=ttyS1,9600 console=tty0.

Thath's all folks, none to compile.
Ps: if this file is edited in windows, please use Uedit32 and translate to unix format, as windows notepad add control characters.

Quote from: jwischka on January 09, 2013, 06:33:27 AM
LCD support is at a kernel level, so if you can't load the kernel, I suspect you'll have problems getting the output to go to an LCD.

Someone else could certainly have a way to do it, but I don't know that it's going to be straightforward - it will probably require some sort of custom u-boot solution, if it can be done at all.