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Started by barry, February 05, 2013, 11:50:03 PM

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Today i got some boards from a german distributor of olimex.SHIELD-EKG-EMG and OLIMEXINO-328.
in the manual :
In this example we use OLIMEXINO-328; SHIELD-EKG-EMG; ........
0. IMPORTANT! Before starting you have to prepare the OLIMEXINO-328 board by
removing its wire between the R6 pads (R6 is not mounted).

it looks like:
o-- ? --o   

The R6 is not mounted, so it looks like o---__--o, i think the 2 contacts are connected
by an painted copper connection. They are connected (measured with Ohmmeter).
Do I have to scratch away the connection and what about using it in another way - resoldering?
Is this the only  way? Why not a jumper?


Hey barry,

Unfortunately, this is a SMT type of jumper and cutting/soldering is required. We put PTH jumpers when we evaluate that they will be used often and the board has sufficient form factor to fit the dimensions of such a jumper.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Dear olimex support,

I want to use SHIELD-EKG-EMG for data acquisition for my project and i will use Arduino board as the microcontroller. Since i am using Arduino board, do i have to do the same thing as removing the wire between R6 pads as stated in the user manual in the case of OLIMEXINO-328 board?

i have basic embedded system but not really familiar with electronics part. I am only looking for data acquisition device for my ECG signal classification project that can work out-of-the-box OR with minimal hacking work required on the hardware part since my project is focus on the algorithm and i find Olimex SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA is a good choice.

Do i have to cut the connection for R6 pads to work with Arduino too?

Also, is SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA electrode is the match for SHIELD-EKG-EMG?

I need some info before i decide to order the product. For now i want to know these first.

Thank you


>Do i have to cut the connection for R6 pads to work with Arduino too?

No.  I routinely use an Arduino UNO with an Olimex EKG/EMG Shield and there is no cutting/soldering necessary.

>Also, is SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA electrode is the match for SHIELD-EKG-EMG?

Yes.  They work together nicely.  You may also use adhesive electrodes if you are able to find an ECG cable with the correct sized connector.


Hi svan,

Thank you for your reply.
Did you mean ECG cable similar to the SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PRO as listed in this website catalogue? What is the difference with this one SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA?

And the raw data from the shield is already filtered and clean from noise is it?

Thank you


>Did you mean ECG cable similar to the SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PRO as listed in this website catalogue?
I was unaware of this cable, but yes it should work also.

>What is the difference with this one SHIELD-EKG-EMG-PA?
The PA has electrodes inside elastic bands that slip over your wrist or ankle.  The PRO uses adhesive gel electrodes with snap connectors.

>raw data from the shield is already filtered and clean from noise
Others have more knowledge of the filter.  It has been my experience that the signal quality improves as you get further away from your computer.  Sending the data over bluetooth also helps.