Olimex ESP32-EVB Rev H DC power issue

Started by mitchellmerca, October 22, 2024, 11:28:56 PM

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I'm having an issue with our Rev H board not booting up when powered via the DC jack. If powered over USB, they work fine, and also previous versions work.
geometry dash breeze
Any ideas to get the Rev H boards working properly, other than power them via USB?


Can you describe the problem in more detail? What code are you using? How did you determine it doesn't work? What does the box of the board say revision H or revision H1?

Revision H is pretty old hardware revision, we are currently manufacturing revision K1. Revision H was reported to have some start up problems that were fixed in revision H1 and then further fixed in revision I. Refer to the revision chagnes to see them:


Check if R24 is 470k - if only 470k is present, solder 1k/0603 size over the 470k as mentioned in the log, this would improve the startup behavior.
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