November 22, 2024, 12:36:17 PM

ESP32-EVB Relay rating

Started by, November 21, 2024, 12:17:02 PM

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Hey there! I recently acquired a brand new Olimex ESP32-EVB-EA-IND board for a project, in which I want to switch a low-current 230v signal through one of the relays on the EVB.

The product description talks about a 15A@230V AC rating, but, having received the board, the installed RECOY LEG-5F relays only have a rating of 15A@120V AC written on them. The datasheet however suggests that 230v are possible.

I need some clarification on this so I can proceed with my project, so help is greatly appreciated. Sorry if this is a noob question!


Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex