Java RXTX link to Linux Com/tty 1 and 2

Started by Thin Tony, March 02, 2013, 12:52:53 AM

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Thin Tony


I'm new to Linux and would really appreciate any help you guys can offer on a java/A13 linux issue.

I imagine it would be possible to download Oracles Java Embedded SE Java Run Time environment binary for ARMv7 Family Core (of which A8 is a member), and deploy it in the Allwinner port of the Debian Linux environment.

However, we will have to access the two com ports from our Java application.

Normally, Java developers access serial ports through the RXTXcomm.jar file.  Alongside this jar file, an underlying native layer must be provided to interface with the operating system's UART ports, and this must often be provided by the developer, but is sometimes included in distributions.

I would be grateful if existing users could clarify
1: Whether the Debian Port already includes a binary for ARM uarts access from Java? 
2: Whether the existing pre-built Debain images include support for the two UARTS/Ports (a) automatically or with a mere configuration file change, or (b) must we set up a linux desktop and toolchain to build a custom kernel image with this enabled?



hello thin tony,

same problem here. Even i want to use UART1 port for serial communication in java.
If you have found something , then please let us know.   


on the basic debian SD if you you plug in and arduino you will see ttyACM0
I did a
java -version and did not find java
apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
and it load
you have to ask on the debian site about the oracle package name.

mine took 130 megs of disk space

Now one serial is dedicated to the UEtx connetor
two serials are on 4 pin headers

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