IRC #olimex 2024-05-28

[04:00:43] <Guest58> Can someone give me orientation about how (or/and where) can I (solid) learn to create some device using the iMX8MP-SOM-4GB-IND?
[04:02:01] <Guest58> The other question, is, how can I learn to design devices like the ones Olimex produces?
[04:03:07] <Guest58> I know some EE uni degree would do that, but can I learn it by books?
[04:21:58] <bill-auger_> Guest58: youtube has many videos teaching electronics, robotics, design with tools such as freecad and openscad, and pretty much any other knowledge known to mankind - if youd rather have a book, try amazom, ebay, or similar - your public library probably would lend you some for free
[04:24:04] <bill-auger_> you may not find anything specific to that one computer - mostly you will find people demonstrating with raspberries and arduinos; but the concepts are the same for any SBC
[04:30:54] <bill-auger_> they all have general purpose I/O pins that you read voltages from and put voltages on, depending on whichever external hardware that you connect to the pins - precisely "how" to do that on each board may differ; but the differences are not fundamental - as with most engineering, you only need to learn the essential concepts; then deduce the specfics of each specific hardware and design on your own
[04:31:09] <Guest58> Just for knowledge: imagine I wanted to create from scratch a A64-OLinuXino board, witch kniwldge should I have?
[04:31:53] <Guest58> *knowledge
[04:33:24] <bill-auger_> that is a very different question - your first question "was how to create some machine based on a ready-made SBC?"
[04:33:24] <Guest58> Bill: yeah, essential concepts for sure, as in everything. What they are? Would be fun to Olimex produce books about it.
[04:34:15] <Guest58> Bill: yes, I asked after the 1st one
[04:36:01] <Guest58> Probably for design boards would be:
[04:37:17] <Guest58> I wanted to say:
[04:37:53] <bill-auger_> the last question was "how do i invent my own SBC?" - for that, you would need to know much more about electronics, logic gates, signals, CPUs - and not only to learn it, but to have a lot of experience before you would get it right - people generally do not aim for such a lofty goal initially
[04:38:37] <bill-auger_> sure if you want to attend college - any EE program would be a good start
[04:39:15] <Guest58> Would prefer books, it that is possible.
[04:39:31] <bill-auger_> probably not "semiconductors" - that sounds like it is teaching how to make chips - you probably are not rich enough to make chips
[04:44:38] <Guest58> Olimex boards are considered "microelectronics" ?
[04:54:22] <bill-auger_> i would not begin by specializing - start with the basics of EE "electronics engineering", that is resistors, capacitors and such - learn about binary numbers, logic, and machine code - buy some basic tools, a multimeter, signal analyzer, oscilliscope, etc, practice soldering, etc - you will need to know all of those things before beginning to design anything interesting
[04:55:29] <bill-auger_> as for designing your own computer, there is little reason to that, unless you are planning to start a company making computers - there are plenty available already which are good for just about any use-case - it would be a better use of your time to learn how the existing ones work, then use those as a base to design something novel
[04:55:30] <Guest58> Any good books that covers all that ?
[04:56:20] <bill-auger_> if you want a take a short-cut, to start at that level though, "nand to tetris" is a good program i know of
[04:58:09] <Guest58> I would like to know a book that can teach to compreend all the possibilities for SoC boards like Olimex, Arduino, and similar.
[04:58:27] <bill-auger_> i dont read books, cant help there - "nand to tetris" is a hands-on course with videos and it's own software to simulate computer design - IIRC it has a companion book; but the hands-on aspect is more important than reading
[05:02:27] <Guest58> But hands-on aspect is necessary some knowledge
[05:02:43] <Guest58> Forget the part about design
[05:04:10] <Guest58> I want to explore how to use a olimex board and understand how to extend the whole sockets. Like gpio
[05:12:00] <bill-auger_> that stuff you can learn from youtube - again, it will be mostly about raspberries and arduinos; but the concepts translate well to any SBC with GPIO - raspberries have become ubiquitous - it is difficult to find anything about other SBCs; because raspberry and arduino have about 99% of market share and community
[05:15:04] <bill-auger_> there is also a lot of instruction available for making robots; but similarly, it is almost all about the "ROS" system - it is nearly impossible to find good robot instructions that do not use ROS exclusively - ROS can run on olimex computers though - that is another easy way to begin building gadgets; but without truly understanding how they work
[05:16:26] <bill-auger_> it is a very wide field of interest - you really need to pick and choose what you need to know, what you want to make, etc - it would take an entire lifetime to learn it all
[05:16:30] <Guest58> Seems quite nice the nand2tetris for a first intro
[05:17:29] <Guest58> Bill, i just lost the connection not sure if i got all your messages.
[05:18:11] <bill-auger_> you missed some
[05:18:15] <Guest58> But the last message is regarding to use a olimex board ?
[05:18:27] <bill-auger_> <bill-auger_> that stuff you can learn from youtube - again, it will be mostly about raspberries and arduinos; but the concepts translate well to any SBC with GPIO - raspberries have become ubiquitous - it is difficult to find anything about other SBCs; because raspberry and arduino have about 99% of market share and community
[05:18:39] <bill-auger_> <bill-auger_> there is also a lot of instruction available for making robots; but similarly, it is almost all about the "ROS" system - it is nearly impossible to find good robot instructions that do not use ROS exclusively - ROS can run on olimex computers though - that is another easy way to begin building gadgets; but without truly understanding how they work
[05:19:57] <bill-auger_> <bill-auger_> it is a very wide field of interest - you really need to pick and choose what you need to know, what you want to make, etc - it would take an entire lifetime to learn it all
[05:20:15] <Guest58> Tks for the pasting.
[05:28:34] <bill-auger_> a framework like ROS sits at the very top of abstraction - you can use that with any SBC which can run python and a real OS - you do not need to know anything about computers to use it; and you will not learn nothing about computers by using it - but it is good for making real useful gadgets, robots, etc
[05:29:33] <bill-auger_> that level of abstraction really is where the "what are the possibilities" questions can e explored
[05:29:55] <bill-auger_> it all depends on what you want to do - if you want to make generic computers but not any specifically useful gadget, then ROS would not be interesting or useful
[05:29:55] <bill-auger_> if you want to learn everything, then it does not matter much where you start - just start studying and practicing anything and everything electronic or computerized in any order, and keep at it for many years
[05:35:02] <Guest58> Is not learn everything.
[05:35:23] <bill-auger_> why not? thats my plan
[05:35:43] <Guest58> Well, good luck on that.
[05:36:36] <bill-auger_> i also plan to live for 1000 years though
[05:37:08] <Guest58> 1000 is quite a low number
[05:38:15] <Guest58> Hint: your chair will not help you on that :P
[05:55:54] <Guest58> This nand2tetris seems to be a gem. Tks
[05:56:57] <Guest58> other kind of gem too.
[22:38:27] <yang> KREYREN: Any progress with the Teres 2 project?
[22:44:12] <KREYREN> yang, Teres-1.5 delayed as the mods do not make much sense in the scope of the case + the economy of fabricating teres-1's mainboard so delaying that in favor of teres-2 and will then just adjust the case for it's ports.. In terms of teres-2 was doing tests for 3D printer and alluminium machining and the case is basically ready now just need to put things together.. For the SOM i have kinda usable solution, but i am not happy with it yet
[22:44:40] <KREYREN> i have school now for ~2 weeks so the development will be slower and then i will look into that new NXP chip that tsvetan has in store
[22:46:55] <KREYREN> In terms of teres-1 maintanance the reported issues should be addressed now, but i've noticed new problems in armbian and nixos that are tracked
[22:53:27] <KREYREN> beyond that I spent a lot of time engineering some PCB practices so that it's very easy to make a chip replacements by an unexperienced user e.g. i have a casted metal (tbd what metal) that can be inserted into a holes on the PCB that will align the chip for reflow so that e.g. if a RAM chip dies on you you can just heat it up with a hot air, remove it, prime a new chip with a stencil that the same casted metal tool will held it in place for you so you
[22:53:27] <KREYREN> just apply paste and heat up, then you can use this alignment tool on the PCB, put the chip in, heat it up with hotair and you shouldn't be able to screw up the reflow as it will hold it in the exact place where it needs to be
[22:53:33] <KREYREN> so it takes the skill requirement out of working on the PCB
[22:56:10] <KREYREN> And currently for SOM i want to utilize this so that you can easily change the chips (BGA) this way on a standardized pin array with a PCBs like you have with the intel/amd chips
[22:56:55] <KREYREN> the difference being that these SOM modules for embedded systems would have chip and RAM on the package simmilar to apple chips bcs impedance to the RAM chips
[22:57:36] <KREYREN> but i also need to address the passive cooling through ground pins atm that will likely take around a week to do all the simulations to find the optimal pin arrangement
[22:58:22] <KREYREN> bcs i was testing the A64 with and without those and there is a significant enough difference that could be the difference between just having the chip there without a cooler and working fine vs hard requirements for a cooler
[22:58:55] <KREYREN> beyond that some protection against stuff like USB killer and figuring out what devices to have in there.. will likely have a fork of nitrokey for auth built-in the design
[23:00:23] <KREYREN> and i was doing experiments with a simple UV display so that the teres-2 might be able to make it's own PCBs with ~20 EUR with of equipment
[23:00:46] <KREYREN> The PCBs from that are currently not great, but I think i can make that work
[23:01:22] <KREYREN> basically this
[23:01:50] <KREYREN> Just imagine this on the bottom panel of teres that will have a microcontroller that you can send instructions from the OS
[23:02:51] <KREYREN> But i keep getting shitty results with just placing the case on the PCB so i will likely need to engineer some kind of a trap-door-like thing that you can ancor the PCB into, close it and let teres make the PCB for you
[23:03:27] <KREYREN> bcs i keep getting light leaks when trying to do this out in the open
[23:04:44] <KREYREN> ideally we would also need the Sodium Perfulfate somehow in an automated process inside the case
[23:05:50] <KREYREN> as the goal is a 2 layer PCBs bcs that's what teres-2 will be using for it's main PCB that the SOM slots into so that: new change in PCB design? -> you can just make the new PCB with your teres and be an active part of the development
[23:07:00] <KREYREN> Bcs the process is use the UV-sensitive PCB blank -> Expose it to UV -> Put that in a Sodium Perfulfate + H2O solution to get the traces and apply solder mask on it
[23:08:32] <KREYREN> The soldermask is also kinda a problem as it's not very user friendly + we need to figure out how to get silkscreen and avoiding covering up things that you need exposed
[23:09:55] <KREYREN> Also that assumes access to a CNC to do the holes and for multi-layer PCBs you will need additional process for an electroplacing through the layers
[23:10:53] <KREYREN>
[23:12:32] <KREYREN> It's technically possible to do the through holes inside the teres's case and we have a hackerspace member who did a lot of research on this subject as they are making hydrogen farm but that needs to be figured out if it can be done in a safe way
[23:15:09] <KREYREN> The other problem is that the CNC to do the holes to the PCB is kinda expensive around 1000 EUR, but there is a plan for consideration if we would make a addon for teres that the teres slots into and can then control a CNC drill which could be made for much cheaper around like 80 EUR
[23:15:48] <KREYREN> It ain't gonna be great CNC router but good enough for the holes unless you like do these by hand
[23:16:14] <KREYREN> so kinda depends on if it's even worth engineering that addon
[23:17:10] <KREYREN> bcs like the across the NATO world you get the CNCs available for public use without an issue through hacker/maker spaces and if you do a lot of PCBs then you likely have the money to get the CNC
[23:18:19] <KREYREN> i also have a 3D printer that is like 55% finished that is designed to do huge prints and has a robust mount that might be a good idea to make a changable tool head for PCBs which is designed to cost ~200 EUR
[23:18:56] <KREYREN> another problem is a server as teres is a thin client and to be able to use it as a daily and main device you need to have a server that does the heavy lifting for it
[23:19:49] <KREYREN> for that my bf might have a solution as he's working on a headless portable sunshine server made out of laptop motherboards which can be obtained for ~80 EUR and have around RTX3080 in them
[23:20:37] <KREYREN> He wants to have that to be like a bluetooth speaker that people can connect to and play games on e.g. their phones together
[23:21:05] <KREYREN> kinda expecting to incorporate his work into the teres design once it's more mature
[23:23:21] <KREYREN> so that i have a backpack with teres which is a thin client and has a battery life for ~3 weeks idle that can connect to my home server sunshine to do gaming at around 8K 144FPS and in case the internet connection is not good enough to wake up the system built-into the backpack which has less resources (can do like 4K144FPS max), but doesn't have to send so much data through the internet to manage latency etc..