
MicroPythoin development board with Cortex M7 processor running at 500Mhz
RT1010Py is
OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG0000101
Price | 15.00 EUR |
If you use RP2040 but need speed, RT1010-Py is runing at x4 times the speed of RP2040.
- MIMXRT1011DAE5A running at 500Mhz
- 128KB on board RAM
- 2MB SPI Flash
- Three UARTs
- Two SPIs
- Two I2Cs
- I2S
- Four PWM units with complementary outputs for push pull drivers
- USB 2.0 OTG
- Micro SD card connector
- RTC with 32.768 kHz crystal
- RESET button
- BOOT button
- UEXT connector with 3.3V, GND, I2C, SPI, and UART
- Two GPIOs headers spaced at 22.86 mm (0.9”)
- Dimensions: 53.34 x 25.4 mm ( 2.1 x 1”)
- MicroPython
- PlatformIO
- Arduino