
ESP32-SBC-FabGL VGA Keyboard mouse board working with FabGL library
ESP32-SBC-FabGL is
OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG000099
Price | 15.00 EUR |
ESP32-SBC-FabGL board adds graphics VGA display and PS2 keyboard and mouse to any microcontroller with UART.
- ESP32-WROVER-E module with 4MB Flash 8MB PSRAM
- VGA connector
- PS2 keyboard connector
- PS2 mouse connector
- Micro SD card
- USB-C for power and programming/debug
- Buzzer
- Audio 3.5 mm connector
- UEXT connector with SPI, UART, I2C
- AccessBus connector
- LCD hat connector
- Dimensions: (104x64)mm ~ (4.1x2.5)"
- Olimex fork of Arduino FabGL library - library contains demos for emulation of Altair8080, Amstrad CPC, PCEmulator, TinyNES, RunCPM, ZX-ESPectrum, MCUME, and more