
Neo6502 the modern Open Source Hardware and Software retro computer with W65C02 processor and RP2040
Neo6502 is
OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG000100
Price | 30.00 EUR |
Neo6502 is small computer with USB keyboard host and HDMI/DVI output.
To power Neo6502 you need USB-C cable like USB-CABLE-A-RO-C-1M
To program the RP2040 you will need USB-A to USB-A cable as: USB-CABLE-AM-AM
To run Apple2 and Oric/Atmos emulators all you need is Neo6502, USB keyboard, USB flash, HDMI cable and TV/monitor.
To run NeoBASIC you will also need: USB-NeoHub, USB-Flash
If you want to experiment with 6502BUS connector you will need also jumper wires and breadboard. All above items are listed on the bottom of this web page.
- W65C02 processor
- RP2040 SOC with 2MB Flash
- UEXT connector
- 6502BUS connector
- Audio mini Speaker
- Audio 3.5mm connector
- USB-C power supply connector
- DVI/HDMI connector
- USB-A host for keyboard
- Dimensions: 80x55 mm
- Four mount holes: 3.3mm
- Paul Robson Neo6502 BASIC GitHub repository and online emulator
- Mad-Pascal and Mad-Assemler and sample code
- CP/M-65 port and video
- TalyForth2 and neo port binary
- Veselin Sladkov Apple ][ and Oric Atmos emulators GitHub repository
- Rien Matthijsse EHBasic GitHub repository